Tuxedo patent leather shoes


Your search for a tux shoe is over. Buy online or in our nationwide showrooms.

Our tuxedo shoe is crafted in our clean oxford design with no captoe and a black patent leather. The shoe’s most defining characteristic is its material: black polished calfskin. Its thinner sole lends it an air of elegance and comfort. This is the most traditional shoe for black-tie formal wear and should be your default choice.

We combine our European chrome-tanned calfskin leather with our special patent finish and signature Hall Madden Blake Construction on our imported production line to make for the most elegant tuxedo shoe.

The search for your tuxedo shoe is over; purchase now online or in our showrooms for 1 week delivery for our Hall Madden stocked shoe (sizes 9-12, including half sizes) or 4-5 week delivery for made to order sizing. Legacy designer brands and traditional retail would price similar shoe $750+

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What are other types of shoes I can wear with my tuxedo?

Black oxfords

The simplest of options, and perhaps the most versatile outside of black tie outfits. Go for a black calfskin oxford with “closed” lacing. It can either have a plain captoe or a plain toe. Any of these can also be worn with a conservative, dark worsted wool suit in addition to your tuxedo.

Patent leather oxfords (featured)

Probably the most common tuxedo shoe that comes to most men’s minds. Shiny polished leather that’s only intended for black tie outfits. Can be in either a plain toe or plain captoe. Elevate the shoe a bit with black silk laces.

Other tuxedo shoe options that Hall Madden does not carry:

Belgian slipper

These super flexible slippers come from their namesake nation. A softer construction and are available to order in dozens of unique leathers and materials. They feature a miniature bow and are an “in the know” footwear item of Upper East Side New Yorkers. The best place to get them is from the Belgian Shoes shop, but Baudoin & Lange offers a modernized take.

Opera pumps

The most traditional choice. Close to a loafer, this slip on has a lower heel and short vamp, showing a lot more sock. Identifiable by the black silk bow on the toe. The shoe can be either plain calfskin black leather or patent leather. The most elegant expression in footwear for black tie and a requirement for white tie outfits. You can find these shoes at Ralph Lauren and Edward Green.


Another oxford style, but this one is made from one continuous piece of leather. This virtually stitch-free shoe looks sleek and has an appeal with many footwear aficionados. Its unique design is tougher to make because of the lack of seams and needing specialized skills to last the shoe properly. Find it at Church’s, Crockett & Jones, Edward Green, Gaziano & Girling.

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